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How Validated The Effectiveness of Its Video Advertising Solution with Explore

Proving tangible outcomes for any advertising platform or technology is a key value prop. This is what the team at set out to do accurately and efficiently with Neurons Explore.

California, USA
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Advertising Technology
California, USA
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Advertising Technology
California, USA
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Advertising Technology
California, USA
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Advertising Technology
California, USA
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Advertising Technology
California, USA
Company size
Advertising Technology
California, USA
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Advertising Technology

"Neurons Explore has proved to be an efficient and successful solution to validate how’s ad units perform in terms of attention in a real environment."

Table of contents

Share partnered with Neurons to measure and prove the performance of their video advertising solution called TV Magnify. used Neurons Explore to compare their solution’s performance with general CTV ads.

The study found that TV Magnify drives greater brand impact and positively impacts key brand outcomes compared to standard CTV ads:

What we tested

TV Magnify delivers video ads first on CTV, and then on personal devices. It features interactive elements that enable consumers to more deeply connect with brand messaging.

Interactive features include mobile experiences and content like product galleries, info galleries, maps/store locators, or customer testimonials. These experiences will lead to more engagement with a brand’s products through sequential messaging.

Testing the 4 Powers of Effective Advertising

For this study, we used Explore to measure four key subconscious audience responses: attention, emotion, cognition, and memory. We also collected stated responses from the viewers.

Participants: We tested 800 participants (aged 25-64), divided into three groups.

Stimuli: Each group was exposed to a financial services company ad in a simulated context, and asked to complete a fast-response test upon viewing the ad.

Study method: Group 1 was shown a standard CTV ad, Group 2 was shown a VDX CTV ad with custom canvas, and Group 3 was served the VDX ad via TV Magnify.

Monica Prior, the Director of Account Strategy at, reflected on the study's findings. “This study validates that’s TV Magnify solution is uniquely positioned to generate and maintain attention, thanks to relevant audience targeting, better user experiences, personalized ad creatives, and higher ad memorability.”

She concluded, emphasizing the key role of the 4 Powers in the success of their strategy, "These four powers are what enable TV Magnify to engage users and influence brand outcomes.”

Performance results

The study revealed that TV Magnify significantly outperformed standard CTV ads in viewer attention, brand recall, emotional engagement, and purchase intent.

One crucial difference was TV Magnify’s power to keep viewers attention. With standard CTV ads, we saw a critical drop-off point after 7 seconds. But TV Magnify manages to keep people engaged far longer as they interact with different elements on the screen.

TV Magnify performance compared to standard CTV ads:

  • 56% increase in Viewer Attention
  • 17% increase in Brand Recall
  • 23% increase in Emotional Engagement
  • 50% increase in Purchase Intent
  • 12% increase in Website Visit Intent

Neurons Explore delivers key insights & validates product performance

Oliver Hayward, the Director of Product Strategy at, has praised the effectiveness of Neurons Explore in assessing the performance of their ad units. He noted, "Neurons Explore has proved to be an efficient and successful solution to validate how’s ad units perform in terms of attention in a real environment."

Oliver also highlighted the impact of the technology behind Explore, saying, "Thanks to the Neurons’ AI eye-tracking technology and fast questionnaire system, we were able to better understand the impact our products had on attention, emotions, motivations and outcomes.”

The team at also appreciated the ease of collaboration with Neurons, "Working with the team at Neurons was easy and they provided hands-on bespoke service, from study setup all the way through post-survey analysis," Oliver concluded.

Test your ads and digital products for attention & unconscious motivations! Book a demo today with a Neuromarketing Expert!

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November 16, 2023 partnered with Neurons to measure and prove the performance of their video advertising solution called TV Magnify. used Neurons Explore to compare their solution’s performance with general CTV ads.

The study found that TV Magnify drives greater brand impact and positively impacts key brand outcomes compared to standard CTV ads:

What we tested

TV Magnify delivers video ads first on CTV, and then on personal devices. It features interactive elements that enable consumers to more deeply connect with brand messaging.

Interactive features include mobile experiences and content like product galleries, info galleries, maps/store locators, or customer testimonials. These experiences will lead to more engagement with a brand’s products through sequential messaging.

Testing the 4 Powers of Effective Advertising

For this study, we used Explore to measure four key subconscious audience responses: attention, emotion, cognition, and memory. We also collected stated responses from the viewers.

Participants: We tested 800 participants (aged 25-64), divided into three groups.

Stimuli: Each group was exposed to a financial services company ad in a simulated context, and asked to complete a fast-response test upon viewing the ad.

Study method: Group 1 was shown a standard CTV ad, Group 2 was shown a VDX CTV ad with custom canvas, and Group 3 was served the VDX ad via TV Magnify.

Monica Prior, the Director of Account Strategy at, reflected on the study's findings. “This study validates that’s TV Magnify solution is uniquely positioned to generate and maintain attention, thanks to relevant audience targeting, better user experiences, personalized ad creatives, and higher ad memorability.”

She concluded, emphasizing the key role of the 4 Powers in the success of their strategy, "These four powers are what enable TV Magnify to engage users and influence brand outcomes.”

Performance results

The study revealed that TV Magnify significantly outperformed standard CTV ads in viewer attention, brand recall, emotional engagement, and purchase intent.

One crucial difference was TV Magnify’s power to keep viewers attention. With standard CTV ads, we saw a critical drop-off point after 7 seconds. But TV Magnify manages to keep people engaged far longer as they interact with different elements on the screen.

TV Magnify performance compared to standard CTV ads:

  • 56% increase in Viewer Attention
  • 17% increase in Brand Recall
  • 23% increase in Emotional Engagement
  • 50% increase in Purchase Intent
  • 12% increase in Website Visit Intent

Neurons Explore delivers key insights & validates product performance

Oliver Hayward, the Director of Product Strategy at, has praised the effectiveness of Neurons Explore in assessing the performance of their ad units. He noted, "Neurons Explore has proved to be an efficient and successful solution to validate how’s ad units perform in terms of attention in a real environment."

Oliver also highlighted the impact of the technology behind Explore, saying, "Thanks to the Neurons’ AI eye-tracking technology and fast questionnaire system, we were able to better understand the impact our products had on attention, emotions, motivations and outcomes.”

The team at also appreciated the ease of collaboration with Neurons, "Working with the team at Neurons was easy and they provided hands-on bespoke service, from study setup all the way through post-survey analysis," Oliver concluded.

Test your ads and digital products for attention & unconscious motivations! Book a demo today with a Neuromarketing Expert!

How Validated The Effectiveness of Its Video Advertising Solution with Explore