Customer story

How Alka Increased CTR by 63% with AI-Powered Email Optimization

Alka Forsikring increased site traffic by optimizing CTA placement in its marketing emails with Neurons. The tool enabled Alka to predict user attention in marketing emails & increase email CTR by 63%.

Ballerup, Denmark
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Ballerup, Denmark
Company size
Ballerup, Denmark
Company size
Ballerup, Denmark
Company size
Ballerup, Denmark
Company size
Ballerup, Denmark
Company size
Ballerup, Denmark
Company size

“With Neurons, we improved the way we build our website, emails, and banner ads.”

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Alka Forsikring, a large Danish insurance provider, is using Neurons to optimize its visuals in emails, websites, banner ads, and TV commercials. From achieving higher click-through rates in newsletters to hitting the right levels of complexity in commercials, Alka uses Neurons to pre-test and validate assets and maximize impact across channels.

With Neurons, Alka increased email marketing CTR by 63%, achieved faster testing and data-driven decisions, and optimized TV commercials for engagement.

The Client: Alka Forsikring

Alka Forsikring is a leading Danish insurance company providing accident- and life insurance for private citizens. With its 100+ years old history, Alka is one of Denmark’s most successful insurance providers of its kind.

Becoming a leading insurance provider was not a coincidence for Alka. The team is highly data-driven which is why they constantly monitor objective metrics to improve performance.

“We track the number of visits, unique visitors, insurance calculations, and increased revenue on our website.”  - explains Mathias Lykke, Senior CRM Manager at Alka.

To keep its strong brand positioning, Alka is always on the lookout for emerging marketing trends and innovative solutions to stay ahead of its competition. 

“We always look for new ways to enhance our marketing effectiveness. (...) Whenever there’s a possibility to investigate new systems, methods, or best practices, we keep our eyes and ears open.” - says Mathias.

Alka Forsikring is a large Danish insurance company specializing in accident- and life insurance.

The Challenge: Boosting CTR in Marketing Emails

Alka wanted to increase the number of car insurance customers who purchased its add-on coverage. As part of an email marketing campaign, the company aimed to direct traffic to its website where the conversions would take place. 

“Our target was to increase the CTR on a specific link from the email to get more traffic on our member site.” - says Mathias.

But how could Alka reliably increase the number of website visitors from its emails?

The Solution: Neuroscience-Based Visual Optimization

The company used Neurons’ eye-tracking AI to pre-test and optimize its marketing emails and website.

As Mathias describes it: “In marketing, we use Neurons for optimizing our emails, while our agile teams use it to improve our website”

Mathias and the Alka team chose Neurons over other consumer behavior analysis tools because of the immediate value they saw during our demo:

“From the presentation of Neurons, we immediately saw an opportunity to improve the way we build our website, emails, and banner ads.” - remembers Mathias.

And that’s exactly what Alka did:

Neurons helped Alka achieve:

  • 63% CTR increase in an email marketing campaign
  • Optimized visual complexity in TV commercials
  • Faster testing & data-driven decision-making

1. Increased CTR in Marketing Emails

Using Neurons’ instant insights, attention heatmaps, and cognitive scores, Alka successfully boosted its CTR in its respective marketing emails by a staggering 63%.

Alka increased click through rates in its marketing emails by a staggering 63% using Neurons' AI attention prediciton tool.
Want to replicate Alka's success? Book a Demo

“The campaign results showed a 63% increase in clicks in the test group compared to the control group.” - remembers Mathias.

This increase stemmed from the visual optimization made possible by Neurons’ software.

2. Optimizing TV Commercials for Engagement

The company also uses Neurons to make faster creative decisions, rapidly test and validate ideas, and ensure optimal levels of Focus and Cognitive Demand in television commercials.

“We also use Neurons to test our new TV commercials’ Cognitive Demand and Focus Scores, so our commercials work as intended.”

What is Cognitive Demand?

Cognitive Demand measures the amount of visual information viewers have to process while looking at your asset. When images and videos are more visually complex, the corresponding Cognitive Demand score will be higher, resulting in increased perceptual load.

What is Focus Score?

Focus is an index of focused attention in an image or a video. In other words, it is an index of how large a portion of your asset draws attention. It also indicates the level of consensus between viewers on where they will spend their time looking at an image or video frame.

The Neurons platform offers Cognitive Demand and Focus scores with every visual analysis. 

3. Faster A/B Testing & Data-Driven Decision Making

Beyond the tangible improvements in KPIs, Alka’s Marketing team reportedly increased its speed of creative development since they started using Neurons.

As Mathias Lykke put it: “Neurons gives us insights before spending time testing our ideas, which is a major benefit we get from using it.”

See Neurons for yourself! Book a demo

With Neurons, the team at Alka accelerated its testing processes which allows for more creativity to shine through. Instead of time-consuming A/B testing, Alka uses Neurons’ insights to validate and test its ideas. 

“Neurons gives us the possibility to test more of our creative ideas, giving us a way of choosing the best without spending time on A/B testing.” - Mathias explains.


Alka is always looking for the next move to outperform its rivals in the Danish insurance market, and with Neurons, the company successfully enhanced its creative performance in both its marketing and agile teams.

Alka uses Neurons to:

Optimize emails and websites - Pre-test and validate ideas, maximize attention to key elements, and boost CTRs to make every campaign a commercial success.
Build high-performing TV commercials - Running videos through Neurons allows the company to gauge the subconscious impact of commercials, ensuring that every ad works as intended.
Make faster and more informed decisions - Alka validates creative ideas before spending any time or budget on A/B testing, allowing them to focus efforts on creativity over endless iterations.

See how Neurons can help your team optimize email & digital performance. Book a Neurons demo today!

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Alka Forsikring

May 2, 2024

Alka Forsikring, a large Danish insurance provider, is using Neurons to optimize its visuals in emails, websites, banner ads, and TV commercials. From achieving higher click-through rates in newsletters to hitting the right levels of complexity in commercials, Alka uses Neurons to pre-test and validate assets and maximize impact across channels.

With Neurons, Alka increased email marketing CTR by 63%, achieved faster testing and data-driven decisions, and optimized TV commercials for engagement.

The Client: Alka Forsikring

Alka Forsikring is a leading Danish insurance company providing accident- and life insurance for private citizens. With its 100+ years old history, Alka is one of Denmark’s most successful insurance providers of its kind.

Becoming a leading insurance provider was not a coincidence for Alka. The team is highly data-driven which is why they constantly monitor objective metrics to improve performance.

“We track the number of visits, unique visitors, insurance calculations, and increased revenue on our website.”  - explains Mathias Lykke, Senior CRM Manager at Alka.

To keep its strong brand positioning, Alka is always on the lookout for emerging marketing trends and innovative solutions to stay ahead of its competition. 

“We always look for new ways to enhance our marketing effectiveness. (...) Whenever there’s a possibility to investigate new systems, methods, or best practices, we keep our eyes and ears open.” - says Mathias.

Alka Forsikring is a large Danish insurance company specializing in accident- and life insurance.

The Challenge: Boosting CTR in Marketing Emails

Alka wanted to increase the number of car insurance customers who purchased its add-on coverage. As part of an email marketing campaign, the company aimed to direct traffic to its website where the conversions would take place. 

“Our target was to increase the CTR on a specific link from the email to get more traffic on our member site.” - says Mathias.

But how could Alka reliably increase the number of website visitors from its emails?

The Solution: Neuroscience-Based Visual Optimization

The company used Neurons’ eye-tracking AI to pre-test and optimize its marketing emails and website.

As Mathias describes it: “In marketing, we use Neurons for optimizing our emails, while our agile teams use it to improve our website”

Mathias and the Alka team chose Neurons over other consumer behavior analysis tools because of the immediate value they saw during our demo:

“From the presentation of Neurons, we immediately saw an opportunity to improve the way we build our website, emails, and banner ads.” - remembers Mathias.

And that’s exactly what Alka did:

Neurons helped Alka achieve:

  • 63% CTR increase in an email marketing campaign
  • Optimized visual complexity in TV commercials
  • Faster testing & data-driven decision-making

1. Increased CTR in Marketing Emails

Using Neurons’ instant insights, attention heatmaps, and cognitive scores, Alka successfully boosted its CTR in its respective marketing emails by a staggering 63%.

Alka increased click through rates in its marketing emails by a staggering 63% using Neurons' AI attention prediciton tool.
Want to replicate Alka's success? Book a Demo

“The campaign results showed a 63% increase in clicks in the test group compared to the control group.” - remembers Mathias.

This increase stemmed from the visual optimization made possible by Neurons’ software.

2. Optimizing TV Commercials for Engagement

The company also uses Neurons to make faster creative decisions, rapidly test and validate ideas, and ensure optimal levels of Focus and Cognitive Demand in television commercials.

“We also use Neurons to test our new TV commercials’ Cognitive Demand and Focus Scores, so our commercials work as intended.”

What is Cognitive Demand?

Cognitive Demand measures the amount of visual information viewers have to process while looking at your asset. When images and videos are more visually complex, the corresponding Cognitive Demand score will be higher, resulting in increased perceptual load.

What is Focus Score?

Focus is an index of focused attention in an image or a video. In other words, it is an index of how large a portion of your asset draws attention. It also indicates the level of consensus between viewers on where they will spend their time looking at an image or video frame.

The Neurons platform offers Cognitive Demand and Focus scores with every visual analysis. 

3. Faster A/B Testing & Data-Driven Decision Making

Beyond the tangible improvements in KPIs, Alka’s Marketing team reportedly increased its speed of creative development since they started using Neurons.

As Mathias Lykke put it: “Neurons gives us insights before spending time testing our ideas, which is a major benefit we get from using it.”

See Neurons for yourself! Book a demo

With Neurons, the team at Alka accelerated its testing processes which allows for more creativity to shine through. Instead of time-consuming A/B testing, Alka uses Neurons’ insights to validate and test its ideas. 

“Neurons gives us the possibility to test more of our creative ideas, giving us a way of choosing the best without spending time on A/B testing.” - Mathias explains.


Alka is always looking for the next move to outperform its rivals in the Danish insurance market, and with Neurons, the company successfully enhanced its creative performance in both its marketing and agile teams.

Alka uses Neurons to:

Optimize emails and websites - Pre-test and validate ideas, maximize attention to key elements, and boost CTRs to make every campaign a commercial success.
Build high-performing TV commercials - Running videos through Neurons allows the company to gauge the subconscious impact of commercials, ensuring that every ad works as intended.
Make faster and more informed decisions - Alka validates creative ideas before spending any time or budget on A/B testing, allowing them to focus efforts on creativity over endless iterations.

See how Neurons can help your team optimize email & digital performance. Book a Neurons demo today!

How Alka Increased CTR by 63% with AI-Powered Email Optimization