FAQ for VisualEyes and Loceye Customers

Prema Puganenthran

April 11, 2022

Loceye, and its AI design assistant, VisualEyes, will be entering the last chapter in their journey and handing over the torch of predictive user testing to Neurons. After an exciting 5 years of working on building state-of-the-art technology and helping companies like AirBnB and IBM optimize the visual impact of their design assets, the companies will be joining the Neurons platform and ceasing operations on the 31st of January, 2023. 

Why is this acquisition happening?

Loceye and VisualEyes have had a great run, but now the founders and employees are looking forward to new and exciting adventures. With Neurons being a good fit in terms of being the world’s leading neuroscience company and fellow pioneers in the predictive design space, the Loceye team are confident that the legacy of their products will both thrive and evolve in the hands of our team. 

Neurons will be continuing the work that Loceye and VisualEyes have started by integrating their technology into our platform. Just like VisualEyes, Neurons has its own AI, Neurons AI, that forecasts attention and cognition on visual assets. With the incorporation of VisualEyes’ own AI models and data, we’re excited to be developing Neurons AI and offering VisualEyes customers an even more powerful solution with more behavioral metrics whilst maintaining the ease of use. And if you are an avid user of VisualEyes’ plugins, don’t worry! They too will be adopted by Neurons, as we will be using it to delve into the new domain of the plugin space. All plugin functionalities are planned to be retained but just transferred to the Neurons brand.

Who are Neurons and what do we do?

Neurons is the world’s leading consumer neuroscience company. Our focus is on combining neuroscience and AI to predict consumer responses. Since 2013, we have worked with Fortune-500 companies to optimize every part of their customer journey, including advertising, retail, user experience, innovation, tech, and beyond. We offer a suite of neuroscience products to test for every step of the consumer journey - from SaaS tools to full-scale research.

How does Neurons Differ from VisualEyes?

While we also work customer prediction, Neurons differs from VisualEyes in a few ways. For one, our scores on clarity engagement saliency are more accurate. Neurons has an in-house science team that both builds and validates our results to ensure quality control. Neurons AI, our solution that is comparable to VisualEyes, is also an AI that has been trained on one of the world’s largest eye-tracking databases and offers a 95% accuracy, making it the most accurate design prediction tool on the market. 

Besides digital UX and design optimization, Neurons’s offerings expands, among other things, to physical packaging, in-store layout design, video analysis, and in-feed social media advertising analysis.

Which other tools does Neurons offer?

Besides Neurons AI, Neurons also offers Explore, our easy to use and self-service online platform. Users can test their advertising assets for both conscious and unconscious responses on a real-life online panel that is based on their target customer segments. Explore allows users to measure customer emotions, sentiments, memory, and attention quickly and at a low cost and without the need for employing expensive neuroscience research agencies or experts. 

What does this acquisition mean for Loceye and VisualEyes customers?

The acquisition will be bringing some changes to the products that you have been using. For one, both Loceye and VisualEyes will cease operations on the 31st of January, 2023. In the meantime, the functionalities of Loceye and VisualEyes will be integrated to the Neurons platform. Our goal is not to remove or dilute the product but to retain and even expand on their offerings. There will be a short transition period in which our Neurons Sales team will be reaching out to all of you to understand how you used it previously and to demonstrate the new platform. 

What does this mean for Neurons customers?

Nothing about your plans will change in this transition. But we will be integrating VisualEyes’ technology to further develop and expand on our AI product to predict human emotions and sentiments – foreseeing how people feel at consumer touchpoints. VisualEyes’ plugins for Figma, Sketch, Adobe Indesign, and Chrome will also continue to be available and will transition to the Neurons brand.

Will I have a point of contact when I join?

Yes you will have a designated Customer Success Manager and a full onboarding when transitioning over. We will help you get set up and give you access when you transition over 

What benefits is there for me, as a VisualEyes or Loceye customer, to continue with Neurons?

Neurons offers extends your design prediction capabilities with Neurons AI. For one, you are not bound by a credit system anymore and we offer unlimited predictions for all media uploaded. We also have a 95% accuracy rate, which is currently the highest in the industry and validated from our growing global eye-tracking database. With Neurons AI, we offer similar metrics like an Attention heatmap and fogmap, Areas of Interest, and Clarity scores, while also offering a score for Cognitive Demand and the option to compare assets against each other. Neurons also allows for video analysis, meaning you can run your videos through the tool and get the aforementioned metrics for attention on that video.

As a VisualEyes customer, do I get a discount? 

Yes, you do. Please reach out to our Sales team to learn more about your offer here.

FAQ for VisualEyes and Loceye Customers

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